Extreme Barcelona hosts PARABMX, boosting support and inclusion in urban sports and giving visibility worldwide
The urban event will take advantage of the celebration of its 15th anniversary to bring an international competition pioneer in Europe
Extreme Barcelona takes a step forward in its 15th anniversary by introducing an exciting new feature: the PARABMX competition, an event designed to promote and highlight inclusive and adapted sport alongside Project111, 360bs and parabmxfreestyle. With the aim of supporting Paralympic sport, Extreme Barcelona has decided to introduce this trial competition, in the hope that urban sports will also have a place in the Paralympic program.
That’s why, in this special edition of Extreme Barcelona, BMX Street will add this new category to its calendar. International disabled athletes will come together to show the culture of dedication and competitive passion by displaying their best tricks in the different modules of the Street Plaza.
This pioneering championship in Europe has a clear objective: to send a message of support for inclusive and adapted sport. The presence of PARABMX in the 15th anniversary sports offering is a powerful affirmation that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, deserve the opportunity to compete and demonstrate their talent on an international stage.