After the great experience of the last edition, Mountain Dew – PepsiCo group – is repeating for the second consecutive year as the presenting sponsor of the imaginExtreme Barcelona 2016. The drink that was introduced in Spain in 2015 found in the Extreme an ideal place position: a festival of action sports, with a great youthful atmosphere and a lot of adrenaline.
The next days 18 and 19 June the imaginExtreme Barcelona returns to Parc del Forum with Mountain Dew and the event will have the participation of more than 250 professional riders from five sports: Skate, BMX, Inline, Longboard and Scooter. As big news this year, the event will also feature an Open category, destined to all those riders and futures promises and want to show their great potential. The Open category will be available in Skate, BMX and Inline and to participate in it you will need to fill the application form on the web ( The sporting event direction will choose the 50 selected riders based on the tricks presented.
In addition, Mountain Dew will lead different activities to be carried out during the weekend. The focus of Mountain Dew reinforce its territory in skateboarding, promoting all actions to be carried out around this sport as are the open practice area or the skatepark, which this year will be located at the Auditorium 2 of the Parc del Forum and will be exclusive to skate. Over the next few weeks you will be able to discover all Mountain Dew activations in their social networks.
Mountain Dew has a big international potential in the actions sports and to count again with them in the imaginExtreme Barcelona means that together they can make the event continues to grow.